Friday, December 2, 2011

Year 2012: The Year of "Buoyancy"

By Jillian Maas Backman

We are now less than thirty days away from the well-publicized Year of 2012. According to ancient text, this will be a year of fulfilling dramatic prophetic predictions, bringing significant planetary shifts and gift the earth with a one-of a kind mystic energy affecting all humankind. I am not interested in dissecting the validity of all the hoopla associated with this forthcoming year or discounting any other intuitive predictions. Time itself will prove or disprove this enormous feat of nature. I prefer to take a less aggressive approach and review the energetic accomplishments of year 2011 and the energetic potential for the year ahead.

In last year’s Time’s Up blog post (2011: The Year of Expansion, Prepare Now!) I predicted 2011 was going to be a year of expansion and completions. What a year of expansion it has been. Filled with hopeful examples of unlocking global oppression from archaic dictators. Human beings uniting to bring about long-term political sovereignty just from the soulful will of the people. Completing a cycle of violence that has been in place for centuries. A time when brave souls stepped forth to fight against injustices of all kinds.

Public forums have allowed us to finally start taking an honest assessment of the unjust associated with certain social issues and the intrinsic divides it creates for ourselves and generations to come. We still have a ways to go in this area, but the energy of 2012 will carry the courageous warriors for change to a larger audience. One of those battles at the moment is Janice Smolinski (Mother of missing Billy Smolinski) and her court case. We cannot recue her or her family from the conflict before them. We can only honor and support from afar. There is no way of understanding why this family has taken on this challenge for the rest of us. Only time will unlock this cruel mystery of fate. This is only one example of thousands who have been doing the human groundwork to prepare for the creative constructive energy of Year 2012.

Year 2012 is the year I am labeling “Buoyancy.” The word buoyancy derives from the word buoy. Buoys are floatation devices used to keep people safe in any sport activity involving bodies of water. Such as lakes, oceans, and any other open water where there are potential water hazards. They are securely fastened to the bottom surface with some kind of large rock or any other heavy immoveable object. Their main objective is to signal people of possible safety dangers ahead and direct them to calmer waters. They rarely move from their position year after year. They simply bob and weave in place as they are overtaken by the water’s wake. In time, after the wave has passed, pop to the surface and right themselves once again. This is how I see year 2012. The last couple of years has held termousious times for many and had to learn the lesson of survival the hard way. We had to learn to bob and weave just to keep our heads above water. Focusing our thoughts ahead towards calmer water and creating inner core strength to build upon for the future. We have reached a channel of calmer waters. A place where we can take a breath, re-group and start anew.

If in fact year 2012 holds some kind of mystical energy one would be silly not to snag a piece of the euphoric volts for themselves. I see this year ahead as new beginnings. The societal buoy is righting itself once again. Glimmers of hope are returning to homes all around this country. Our spirits are starting to show their light once again. However, I gave fore-warning last year about the pretentious veil shearing away one layer at a time. Exposing those around us who are not living a truthful life. Watch for that to intensify in the year ahead. The gap is growing larger between those who are here to abuse the system and those who lovingly sustaining it. This will continue as long as needed. The turn-around consequences for acts of violence towards others is starting to shirk in time. People are starting to get involved with their neighbor’s wellness. We are starting to see the vision of love thy neighbor as ourselves once again. This will become stronger as we confront our differences head-on and make our way towards amiable solutions we can live with.

Year 2012 will bring about conversations between people we thought could never happen. Expect one big surprise in the area of politics as we move closer to election times. This will bring about an interesting twist of fate to the entire process. Set in motion a new way of compromise we so desperately need. The financial outlook will be brighter than last year for many and bring about some temporary relief from worry.

Last year I told everyone to keep their head down and persevere through the mucky waters ahead. This year I am telling everyone to hold your head up high and shoot for the horizon line. Are we there yet? Not quite, but our collective efforts have brought us one-step closer to the ever evolving finish line of peace.

This coming year is not a year to settle for status quo. It is time to buckle up and reach for the stars, so to speak. We cannot let our collective good work go to waste. Take full advantage of this shift and initiate projects you have thought about but never had the courage to act upon. This is the year that will energetically support creative endeavors. Trust in your own inner buoyancy. It will always “right itself” and never let you drown in dangerous waters of fear surrounding you. Seize this energetic time in our history to create your own 2012 personal humanistic accomplishments. Take full advantage of this muse and re-write your future with soulful excitement.

I have no fancy assignments with this post. This one is strictly dedicated to the potential and hope I have for each one of you as we enter the “Mystic Zone” of Year 2012. Who cares if you personally believe in the ancient foresights in the year to come. It has served as catalysis to awaken many who have been spiritually asleep to believe in something bigger than themselves again. Engaged the entire world in an interactive conversation of why we are here and finally care about our future before us. Thank- you Year 2012 for giving back our ancient mystic hope for better tomorrows.

Sending holiday grace,

Jillian Maas Backman 

Jillian Maas Backman, Author, Beyond The Pews, Breaking With Traditions and Letting Go Religious Lockdown.

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