Thursday, October 15, 2009

You are the Fulfillment of Vision

By Pamela Chapman

In the beginning God—He who is all knowing, all powerful and every place at every time, He who is Spirit and Truth, said, “let us make man in our image and our likeness. [Let us see them who are already in my plan and already part of my awesome purpose.]”

In that climatic moment, we became the manifestation, the expression, and the materialization of His vision—He saw. You are the fulfillment of His magnificent vision. Yes You, through your errors, your setbacks, your difficulties, your disappointments, and even your victimizations.

Often times, we cannot understand the river on which our lives flow. Could God have orchestrated all the tragedy for our lives? I’m one of those who believes that it’s all in His plan—the good and the bad. I believe nothing is for naught. All of our life experiences can bring us into something amazingly beautiful. Because of my life experience, I personally, can reach out to encourage and bring healing to victims of abuse.

I’ve lived it. I’ve come through it.

As a child, I experienced childhood abuse which produced low-self esteem. This followed me throughout most of my life. In turn, I walked into more situations which victimized me. My relationships with men were twisted and strangely enough I even found abusive bosses and abusive friendships. I lost my dream and my vision until one day, on the brink of a nervous break down, I realized I was created in the likeness of my all powerful Maker. I learned I could dream again, I could speak my dream in faith, and I could see its manifestation. I learned the power was within me.

May I encourage you to dream again and have a clear vision, today? That is, to have a vision of whom you really are in God, a vision of what you want to accomplish, and a clear vision of whom or what you really want. You may be thinking, “I’m a grown adult, it’s too late for me.” Absurd! As long as you have breath, it’s not too late.

You are beautifully and wonderfully made, see that and say it. You are the apple of God’s eye, see that and say it. You are His awesomeness of wonder, see that and say it. Through you life is created, see that and say it. You are incredibly powerful and amazingly strong, see that and say it. You are encompassed in love, see that and say it!

As you dream again, as you clearly see, you will begin to talk, walk and Be the vision. You will say, you will see, and you will become your purpose, your passion, the personification and the vision God had for you before the foundations of the earth.
Be encouraged today. Be healed.

In love and light,
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1 comment:

  1. As a Christian, and someone who has been abused on many levels and traumatised, I thought this was beautifully written. Thank you. Katherina


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