Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cell Phone Technology Helps Deter Crime--"You've Been Faced!"

By Michelle Simonsen 

One of my recent favorite movies is “Taken” starring Liam Neeson. Liam Neeson’s character (an ex-government operative) was very reluctant when his 17-year old daughter went to Paris on vacation with a girlfriend.

After getting off the plane, the girls were immediately spotted by a good-looking, seemingly friendly young man who offered to share a cab with the giggling teens. Never being out of the country and looking like obvious naïve tourists, they felt comfortable telling this gorgeous stranger where they were staying. He offered to take their picture with their cell phone; and thus, unknowingly left vital evidence behind.

Soon after they entered the apartment, four men broke in, drugged and abducted the girls. It was mentioned that sex traffickers pick out unsuspecting travelers in order to save on cost of trafficking women from out of the country.

After flying to Paris and finding his daughter’s cell phone, he discovered her pictures and saw a reflection of the perpetrator in the background. This was the catalyst that opened the Pandora’s box for a father’s vengeance and determination to rescue his daughter from being sold and turned into a sex slave by the sex traffickers out of Albania/Russia.

Because of that one photo, he had his first lead in his deadly quest of finding his daughter. This particular scene reminded me of this up and coming company out of Denver, Colorado called Face File.

FACE FILE-- “One click could save your life.”

The concept of Face File is quite novel. It is used to protect yourself in unfamiliar places or situations, upon meeting strangers alone, unknown individuals coming to your home (Craig’s List buyers, sellers; maintenance people; cable workers), or if you feel suspicious about a stranger.

The idea of Face File was born after the case of 24-year old Canadian real estate agent, Lindsay Buziak, who was murdered on February 2, 2008 while inside a vacant $964,000 home she was planning on showing to an unknown individual during a last minute request. As of this date her killer has never been found. The real estate community latched on to the idea of Face File and its and purpose.


“You’ve been ‘faced’”

The purpose of Face File is for the protection of personal safety and a deterrent of a possible crime and it works like this:

Consider finding yourself in a potentially dangerous or unknown situation. With that in mind, you take a picture with your cell phone of the individual or place and send the image to your private face file account. Once Face File receives the image, it is date/time stamped and alerts your “network” of friends or family that you choose so they can check on you, or contact the police if necessary.

Face File is great for the use in the following situations:

  • Social situations (Meeting new people; Parties; Bars/Restaurants)
  • Blind dates
  • Visiting unknown areas
  • Working on site or in the field (Real estate agents, Service repairmen)
  • Technicians or servicemen who are called to your home
  • A stranger approaches you (This could deter a robbery, rape or violation of you or your property)
  • If you are being followed or stalked
  • Witnessing a crime or accident.

For more information on FACE FILE and what it can provide for you, your family, or employees please see:

"It's better to be safe than sorry"


  1. Wow, what a great idea! Unfortunately all to often great ideas like this are born out of tragedy. I plan to check this out.


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