
Friday, April 29, 2011

California Earthquake Effect---- Que Sera Sera (And the Life of an Advocate)

By Donna R. Gore, M.A.

Resiliency, a positive attitude, the end of complacency and apathy… empathy and compassion… these are in the toolbox of every Advocate.

Being an advocate for whatever great caus(es) you may choose can be like being in the middle of a natural disaster…at the human level, if you do not have mutual cooperation and motivation.    Whether it is crime victim issues, human rights, the environment, educational issues… you name it!  If you do the job correctly, there is change, and a result you may not have anticipated.

What drives us to the call to sacrifice time, food, sleep, creature comforts and social time, can be a passion for some.

The “human disaster” of another energizes us to action, urging us on to “right a wrong” for the benefit of others. Truth is, by the time we find our true advocacy role, it is often too late for ourselves.

Why not rest on our laurels and be proud that we have survived our own personal tsunami and come out the other side okay… in time?  Why not bask in our past accomplishments and just sit back and enjoy?   We are driven to do for others…

And we indeed have assisted others in the many natural disasters that have occurred in the past few years around the world. Good people have endured tsunamis, floods, famine, fires, industrial explosions, terrorism, snowstorms of epic proportions and yes, earthquakes.  

This blogger asks, how do people prepare for a real natural disaster that they know may arrive?  I have always admired those who do… such as those resilient laid back Californians “on the virtual verge” of an earthquake that could arrive at any time with little notice. They have it down to a science.  What are a few rumblings and broken dishes?  They know what to do and where to take cover.

(*** Consider that this is the first “Easter anniversary” of one of the most devastating earthquakes in the Imperial Valley area of California in 2010 on the Mexican border where some of my amigos and amigas reside...).  They have partially recovered and would do better, but for a devastating economy as well.   They pick up the pieces, do their best work and start again… Que Sera, Sera.   We advocates do the best work we can one person at a time, and then move on to the next person, problem or crisis.

There is no better example of the California attitude sung by MAMA CASS in this “funky and coolish” song called “California Earthquake”.  Take 3 minutes and 21 seconds to enjoy her take on their oh so familiar natural disaster.


Donna R. Gore, Homicide Survivor, Victim's Rights Advocate, aka "Lady Justice"


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