
Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year…A New You

By: Gaétane Borders

I stopped making New Year's resolutions a number of years ago because they just didn't work for me. Add to that the feeling of failure at year's end... Who needs that? So instead, I use the end of a year t to reflect on choices that I made throughout the past 12 months, and to evaluate what worked...and what didn't. A year ago, I vowed that in the new year I would not waste time on things that did not bring me joy. I realized that I was spread thin, and that I was putting up with circumstances and people that were simply not good for me. So....I gave myself an emotional cleanse. Meaning, I vowed to do better about appreciating my time, value, and purpose.

It seemed awkward at first, but one single event helped to catapult me in the right direction. On January 12, 2010, CNN reported that a 7.0 magnitude earthquake had all but leveled the island of parents' birthplace It was a tragedy that horrified the nation, and forever changed me. I cried for weeks, and even broke down at work on a few occasions. terrible as this natural disaster did help me to solidify a few things.

1. True friends are there for you when you need them the most...Not when it's
convenient for them.
2. You never know how resilient you are until you face a traumatic experience.
3. No day is promised, so you have to live life so that you have no regrets.

After grasping the meaning of these realizations, I began the process of true self-reflection. It was hard letting go of certain thoughts, behaviors and relationships. However, sometimes you just need to purify your spirit in order to be a better you. Just as if I had a medical cleanse, I feel lighter, energized, and healthier. As a result, I believe I am a better wife, psychologist...and mommy.

I encourage everyone to take stock of the relationships and circumstances in their life. Just because things may have gone awry in years past does not mean you have to carry this negative energy into the new year. Purging ourselves of all most things negative is sure to be a challenging and continuous process for all of us. Though the process may not be easy, the end result is well worth it.

I look forward to sharing with you in the new year, and am eager to see what's in store for all of us. Here's to a happy, peaceful, abuse free, and prosperous 2011... CHEERS!

Happy New Year,
Gaétane F. Borders, Ed.S., ABD
President, Peas in Their Pods

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