
Friday, June 11, 2010


By Michelle Simonsen

Five years ago, when I first heard of Joran van der Sloot, I prayed that the stories he told Aruban officials while being interrogated would actually lead to the truth—the location of Natalee Holloway. Every night I sat glued to the television and watched Joran take the Aruban Police, private investigators, the media and Natalee’s family on a wild goose chase in and around every dark crevice of Aruba to no avail. He smirked and took pleasure in telling investigators 20 different lies as to what happened that night of May 30 and what happened to Natalee.

By the end of the summer of 2005, I felt like a fool. I hoped that one of those lies would lead to Natalee. Instead, I witnessed the aftermath of what a pathological liar could do not only to a family, but to several countries, and millions of people across the world. We were all duped by an 18-year old psychopath.

Not only has Joran had five years to hone his craft, but he’s been able to roam the globe putting his monsterous techniques to use. Since he is a smarter and more experienced pathological liar and psychopath, he’s been able to dupe Peru as well.

On June 7, 2010, Joran confessed to murdering 21-year old Stefany Flores Ramirez on the same day he murdered Natalee Holloway in 2005. This time we had more information. The media reported she was found on the floor of Joran’s hotel room wearing only a t-shirt and underwear. She was beaten to a bloody pulp with an object, reportedly, a tennis racquet, causing blunt force trauma to her head, neck and torso. She sustained an intracranial hemmorage due to the force of the blows. Her neck was broken. And as reported by her brother, her eye was missing, stating she was “unrecognizable”.

However, Joran’s “confession” of striking Stephany a few times and grabbing her by her neck does not match up with her injuries.

Why were there bruises covering her entire body? Why was she only wearing a t-shirt and underwear? Why was her eye missing?

Try a new strategy Joran. The lies don’t fool anyone anymore, and your bogus confession does not add up.

If everyone in the world already knows how he operates, then why are Peruvian officials drinking the Joran van der Sloot “kool-aid”? Not once in five years has that waste of a human being ever told the truth. How can he continue to mesmerize smart people into believing his lies, false confessions and half truths?

Joran is going to spend a long time in a Peruvian prison no matter what story he spins now. However, just because Peru “has their man”, doesn’t mean they should accept his lies in order to close the case and drive the blood thirsty worldwide media out of town.

Don’t they owe it to Stephany?


  1. if the aruba police wold have done something when nstilee was killed, he would not have had the chance to kill another ones daughter, sister aunt, friend everyone needs to show aruba we will not agree to waht they are doing, it makes me so mad

  2. It's common knowledge that the van der Sloot's have ties in goverment in Aruba and have significant money to influence them. The fact that in Peru, that's not the case, has now come home to rest. If you've seen documentaries on the Peruvian justice system (and the prisons)...he'll have to rely heavily on cash to keep his a$$'s common knowledge that guns, grenades and knives are all readily available in their prision system for a price.

  3. He is sooooo done! I hope that Natalies family has some sort of satisfaction from this! These families have been stripped of their family member! I hope Joran gets his ass kicked every day while in prison. And then I hope that he's killed at the end of his sentence!

  4. This animal needs to be put down!

  5. They say Stephany's family is well off b/c her father was a race car drive. They also say in Peru prisons you can be killed for hust $25. Bye, Bye, URINE! You are going to hell very soon. You murdered the one girl this time. God only knows how many other women he has murdered. I just hope he tells where Natalee is, so her family and friends can put her body at peace and have a place to visit her. If Aruba would have done their job from the beginning, Stephany would be alive. Boycott Aruba! I will never go there and no one else should b/c they depend on tourist money, so let's make them broke for Natalee and Stephany. If URINE has so much money then why did he get money off of Natalee's mother(they are assuming)? Remember she married millionaire Jon-Benet Ramsey's father? Then he goes and gambles with that money and murders Stephany. I don't know why they are referring to him as a playboy b/c he resembles my sexual predator brother who also is not good looking. It is so strange to me how most of these predators resemble each other.

    Rest in peace Natalee and Stephany. Justice is coming. I am so sorry this happened to you. Love and hugs, Colleen Hollywood

  6. Just keep boycotting Aruba! They should have done there job in the first place! This should never have happened again.

  7. I had a chance to go to Aruba but didn't because someone warned me about the kidnapping and slave trade there. I think we should boycott Aruba, it's just not safe and they don't care. These were two beautiful young women, he is just a toad. There may even be other women that he killed so this may be a serial killer we have here. A shame another young woman had to die before someone would put him away. I hope he lives a looooong time in that jail, and I hope they can get him to confess where Natalie really is.

  8. There are soooo many of those young types out there now, it is scary

  9. Michelle, i have also followed this case from the start and being from Al. orriginally, it hits home. when i met and talked to Beth in 2010 i was in awe @ her. her strength and those 5 yrs of always searching for the truth no matter what. im sooo tired of hearing the Media about JVS. "he said this today, he said this other story yest." he's a pathological liar. anyone can see it. his 22 Natalee confessions were all BS. but one i think is what happened. my theory is JVS and Natalee met @ a the club just like JVS and Stephany did 5 yrs to the day. and somehow JVS spikes Natalee's drink with GHB drug. him and the Kalpoe boys take Natalee to the beach where they intend on having sex with her then selling her to the human trafficers. sometime that night she has a reaction to the drug and goes into seizers and dies. JVS calls his daddy and tells him what happens. PVS then tells him to get rid of Natalee, either bury her or dump her @ sea. then PVS covers it up with his political connections and makes the whole island of Aruba look like idots. first blaming the security officers @ the hotel and all that. like father like son as the saying goes. and what bout Stephany, i dont buy into his BS story bout her finding the stuff on the laptop, judging from the cameras he said something that really scared her as they were walking to the hotel room. maybe a threat. but once there(and only JVS can answer it) he wanted sex with Stephany, she said no, and he beat the hell out of her during the rape. it adds up. but its only speculation.

  10. I did not see him carrying a laptop into the hotel room? Maybe I missed it, but I did not see it. Did anyone else?

  11. This scumbag was coddled by the Aruban officials because his father was a prominant citizen there. I hope they all feel guilty that they let a psychopath loose to do it again. Shame on Aruba for putting our young people at risk! My love to Natalie Hollaways mother and to the parents of the new girl. May god bring them some peace finally. I will never visit Aruba. It does not sound like a safe place.

  12. EVERYONE with an IQ in 3 digits KNEW this piece of trash and his complicit "father" and the Aruban/Dutch justice system were complicit in Nathalee's murder. HOW COULD THEY? Now, they are in a world of hurt with his second murder (that we know of) This Raging, Rabid animal has robbed yet another young woman of her life & all because the Aruban/ Dutch government justice system was FOR SALE. Not for rent, FOR SALE. It's more important than EVER to keep the BOYCOTT on this Bannana Republic ALIVE. To let them KNOW that the lives of Americans ARE NOT FOR SALE no matter how cheap you make the hotel rooms and the shoddy souveniers. You can't put a price on Nathalee's life AND Aruba,this is one traveling family that will NEVER set foot in YOUR country or ANY Dutch protectorate until there is an unvarnished, global APOLOGY to the family for YOUR heinous conduct in allowing this rabid dog, Van der Sloot, to run loose.

  13. Aruba is a corrupt island with a corrupt government system. The State Department says not to go to Aruba. You should boycott travel as it is a dangerous place. Drug Dealers, Human Traffickers, Very Very Unsafe place to vacation.

    Boycott Aruba

  14. I wait for the morning that I wake up and turn on HLN and hear the news that Joran was killed while trying to sleep in his new home!

  15. Right now, I could not be paid to go to Aruba. I hope van der Sloot can be taken out.

  16. Because this sociopath scumbag got away with killing Natalie, I will not be visiting Aruba ever. Its obvious, it is not safe there. Joran is a liar and should at least spend the rest of his life in prison. I feel very bad for the mothers of these beautiful women he killed. They need justice.


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